Brake Replacement

Depending on the results of the brake inspection, you may need new brake pads. Most times, you can handle it on your own, as the procedure is quite simple.

Brake Replacement Process

Here are the procedures for changing the brake pads. Understanding the process will help you communicate with your mechanic if the time comes, even if you have no interest in performing the work yourself.

  1. Take the wheel off
  2. Take out the bolt holding the slider.
  3. Rotate the caliper clockwise
  4. Slide-out the old brake pads
  5. Replace the retainer clips
  6. Install the new brake pads
  7. Pull the pistons back
  8. Check the brake fluid level
  9. Adjust the caliper
  10. Reinstall the slider bolt
  11. Repeat the process on the opposite side
  12. Perform a safe test drive

Contact us, and we’ll replace your brake pads efficiently and safely.


It’s easy for braking issues to snowball into a significant repair bill. If you suspect a problem with your brakes, get them checked out. If you need an inspection of your brakes, or need to replace your brakes, contact us.

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